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Lee un libro Practicing The Power Of Now In Hindi: Essential Teachings, Meditations And Exercises From The Power Of Now In Hindi (Hindi Edition) de Eckhart Tolle Libros Gratis en EPUB

[Download] Practicing The Power Of Now In Hindi: Essential Teachings, Meditations And Exercises From The Power Of Now In Hindi (Hindi Edition) de Eckhart Tolle Ebooks, PDF, ePub, Practicing The Power Of Now In Hindi: Essential Teachings, Meditations And Exercises From The Power Of Now In Hindi (Hindi Edition) Pdf libro

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Practicing The Power Of Now In Hindi: Essential Teachings, Meditations And Exercises From The Power Of Now In Hindi (Hindi Edition) de Eckhart Tolle

Descripción - "All you really need to do is accept this moment fully. You are then at ease in the here and now and at ease with yourself."The Power of Now has in a short time already proven to be one of the greatest spiritual books written in recent times. It contains a power that goes beyond words, and it can lead us to a much quieter place beyond our thoughts, a place where our thought-created problems dissolve, and we discover what it means to create a liberated life.Throughout The Power of Now, there are specific practices and clear keys that show us how to discover for ourselves the "grace, ease and lightness” that come when we simply quiet our thoughts and see the world before us in the present moment.Practicing the Power of Now is a carefully arranged series of excerpts from The Power of Now that directly give us those exercises and keys. Read this book slowly, or even just open it at random, reflect on the words, reflect even on the space between the words and – maybe over time, maybe immediately – you’ll discover something of life-changing significance. You`ll find the power, the ability to change and elevate not only your life, but your world as well.It is here, now, in this moment: the sacred presence of your Being. It is here, now, not in some distant future: a place within us that always is and ever will be beyond the turmoil of life, a world of calm beyond words, of joy that has no opposite.It is in your hands. Start practicing the power of Now.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Practicing The Power Of Now In Hindi: Essential Teachings, Meditations And Exercises From The Power Of Now In Hindi (Hindi Edition)
  • Autor: Eckhart Tolle
  • Categoria: Tienda Kindle,eBooks Kindle,eBooks en idiomas extranjeros
  • Tamaño del archivo: 16 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

[Download] Practicing The Power Of Now In Hindi: Essential Teachings, Meditations And Exercises From The Power Of Now In Hindi (Hindi Edition) de Eckhart Tolle Ebooks, PDF, ePub

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