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Download Paradise Re-Envisioned: A Journey through the Bible with our Spiritual Ancestors (English Edition) de Michael Roden,Janet Shafner PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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Paradise Re-Envisioned: A Journey through the Bible with our Spiritual Ancestors (English Edition) de Michael Roden,Janet Shafner

Descripción - Paradise Re-Envisioned by Michael Roden presents an epic spiritual journey, beginning with Adam (the first man) in the original spiritual Paradise, continuing through many spiritual figures in the Old and New Testaments, and then returning to Paradise (or Heaven). It is a re-telling of all these events through the vision of Spirit. This four-part journey, consisting of 28 chapters plus an introduction, is written in poetic form, with bold inspirational strokes which draw out the spirituality and love at the center of the Bible and at the center of each reader. Like Michael's previous scholarly work, such as A Church Not Made with Hands, this book emphasizes the positive message of religion and spirituality for our time. However, this inspirational work has the added attraction of being able to place the reader in that world directly.From the Introduction:Paradise Re-Envisioned is a book meant to inspire and to comfort. But it is also meant to teach, to persuade, to illuminate and to enlighten. It is meant to change your mind about what you think you know about the original creation story, and about spirituality in general, and therefore to change your mind about humanity’s relationship with God. It is meant to give us a sense of being reborn by way of its emphasis on spirit....The Genesis stories imply that the original substance was dirt, or clay, or dust; but there is another side to them that is not often mentioned. For early on, after fashioning man out of clay, God breathes the breath of spirit into him, making him “a living being” (Genesis 2:7), which means to me that our true life, the life God created, was one made of spirit. In my re-envisioning of all the stories in this book, spirit is the center around which all else revolves, and from which all things are made.Table of ContentsPart One: Origin and DestinyI. CreationII. A Stray Thought and the Layers of NightIII. The DreamIV. Descent into FormV. The Forbidden FruitVI. Gods of Our OwnVII. Spirit and TruthPart Two: The Ancient MelodyI. Stranger in this Land: A Song of AbrahamII. Altars and Offerings: A Second Song of AbrahamIII. The Promised Land: Song of MosesIV. Psalmody: A Song of DavidV. She of the Light: Song of SolomonVI. The World Will Change: Song of the ProphetVII. A New Song: The New RealityPart Three: Greatness OverheardI. Water and AirII. Believe in the LightIII. Behind the ParablesIV. Self and OthersV. Know YourselfVI. The Human SaviorVII. The End, a New BeginningPart Four: Adam and Eve RevisitedI. A New DreamII. The Gate That is No GateIII. The Fields of HeavenIV. We TwoV. Working Together, All ThingsVI. RevivalVII. RevelationExcerpts:From Part 3, Ch. II: "Believe in the Light":Heaven itself shines on you, child of light;it was created for you, a fitting context in which to live....Heaven itself shines on you and through you,lighting this world, blessing this world,changing it into something it never was:the threshold of Heaven itself.From Part 4: Ch. VII: "The End, A New Beginning"You will never stand before a judgment seatwithout the Holy Spirit beside you, your Wonderful Counselor.And your Advocate will speak for youbecause He knows you better than you know yourself,and He will listen as your flaws and your self-made guilt are exposed.And then He will stand before the Court, quietly to tell the Judgewhat the Judge knows in His Heart to be true:that you yourself are no more your flaws than you are your hurtand that there is another side of you the world has longed to see.And you will be set free, to live again,to sit in judgment of none, but with me, redeemer of all.Be not afraid;you may have suffered herebut God has saved up all your joy in Heaven for youand when you see it, it will increase exponentially of its own accord.And the love He gave you never dies.(Cover Art "Adam and Eve-The Sparks" by Janet Shafner)

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Paradise Re-Envisioned: A Journey through the Bible with our Spiritual Ancestors (English Edition)
  • Autor: Michael Roden,Janet Shafner
  • Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Poesía
  • Tamaño del archivo: 7 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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