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Download Jane Austen: The Complete and Unabridged Works [Illustrated] (English Edition) de Jane Austen PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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Jane Austen: The Complete and Unabridged Works [Illustrated] (English Edition) de Jane Austen

Descripción - This is the definitive Jane Austen collection. Included is virtually every word penned by Austen during her lifetime, including all of her beloved novels, her short fiction, her unfinished works, all three volumes of her juvenilia and more. Our team has meticulously edited and formatted this volume for a reading experience of extraordinary quality, and as always, we have included even more extras, such as a comprehensive biography and beautiful and informative illustrations. QUICKLinks technology has been incorporated to allow for easy navigation between all works in this collection. The following is a list of the works included in this book:******************************Jane Austen BiographyTHE NOVELS:1 - Sense and Sensibility (1811) 2 - Pride and Prejudice (1813) 3 - Mansfield Park (1814) 4 - Emma (1815) 5 - Northanger Abbey (1818 - Published Posthumously) 6 - Persuasion (1818 - Published Posthumously)SHORT FICTION:1 - Lady Susan (1794, 1805) UNFINISHED FICTION:1 - The Watsons (1804) 2 - Sanditon (1817) OTHER WORKS:1 - Plan of a Novel (1815) 2 - Light Verse - Two Poems (Various Years)JUVENILIA - VOLUME I (1788-1792):1 - Frederic & Elfrida 2 - Jack & Alice 3 - Edgar & Emma 4 - Henry and Eliza 5 - The Adventures of Mr. Harley 6 - Sir William Mountague 7 - Memoirs of Mr. Clifford 8 - The Beautifull Cassandra 9 - Amelia Webster 10 - The Visit 11 - The Mystery 12 - The Three Sisters13 - Detached pieces, including Ode to Pity JUVENILIA - VOLUME II (1788-1792):1 - Love and Freindship 2 - Lesley Castle 3 - The History of England 4 - A Collection of Letters 5 - ScrapsJUVENILIA - VOLUME III (1788-1792):1 - Evelyn 2 - Catharine, or the BowerIllustrations******************************

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Jane Austen: The Complete and Unabridged Works [Illustrated] (English Edition)
  • Autor: Jane Austen
  • Categoria: Tienda Kindle,eBooks Kindle,eBooks en idiomas extranjeros
  • Tamaño del archivo: 14 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

[Download] Jane Austen: The Complete and Unabridged Works [Illustrated] (English Edition) de Jane Austen libros ebooks

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